Wednesday, 6 June 2012

End of the Chester Chapter

Well that was a stressful few days! Marianne and I have now officially left Chester, a place that was a great home to me for 4 amazing years while I was at Uni. I can safely say the 18 year old boy that left Basingstoke those few years ago is a very different person to the 22 year old man that drove back on his motorbike in the pouring rain yesterday (I now have a cold).

I have learned so much (very little of it taught to me by lecturers), met so many interesting people and had some amazing experiences. I would need a separate blog to even begin going through the many different happenings over that time, I may occasionally touch back. Chester has been an amazing adventure and a very deliberate one. When choosing a University all those years ago I knew I wanted to get away from my home town. By English standards the northern town of Chester over 200 miles was a pretty big commitment, a great choice that I never regretted.

I am now back in my home town of Basingstoke for a few days, where I will be saying my good byes to all my family and friends before heading to Norway on Monday. All becoming very very real!

The famous Chester Eastgate clock
(Stolen from my friend Andy's Image a day blog., it is in my followed blogs and well worth a look)

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