A Very Proud Boyfriend. I give you Marianne BSc MSc.
Regular followers will recall that a big occasion was coming. Marianne's graduation and the meeting of all her immediate family and my Mum and her husband Dave. (I shall ignore the fact I know all regular followers were actually therefore present, making the previous statement redundant)Safe to say it was an amazing few days, truly something I will always remember. The graduation itself was a great ceremony that I am thoroughly looking forward to taking part in myself in a few months all things being equal. Everyone looked amazing and an insane amount of pictures were taken we shall all treasure.
The rest of time was equally brilliant, everyone seemed to have such a great time and get on famously. I knew they probably would, but to actually see the first joining of families go so splendidly I actually found touching. We all really bonded and I know my Mum for one is very happy to have gotten to know the family that have so kindly accepted me into their ranks.
With every day I look forward more to moving to Norway and starting the next chapter of my life and everything is moving brilliantly in the right direction. Just need to get the final stint of Uni out the way, should therefore probably stop writing this and get back to it . . . .
All 8 of us having what was an exceptional meal as always at the Black House Grill Chester.
Left to right: Bodil (Marianne's Mother), Ivar (Marianne's Father), Me, Pal,
Tia, Marianne, My Mum and Dave
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